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ECT Appropriate Body Reforms - Webinar 6th June 2023

ECT Appropriate Body Reforms - Webinar 6th June 2023

We are running a joint webinar, with Balcarras and Odyssey Teaching School Hubs, to provide further details about the ECT appropriate body reforms and implications for schools in Gloucestershire.

The government response to the consultation on appropriate body reform is summarised below:

·         From September 2024 Teaching School Hubs (TSHs) will become the main provider of AB services

·         Local authorities (LAs) will withdraw from their AB role in two stages:

    • From September 2023 they will not take on any new ECTs.
    • From September 2024 they will cease operating as ABs.

·         Schools who access AB services through a local authority will need to ensure that from September 2023 they register all new ECTs with a TSH AB.

·         Schools will also need to ensure that any ECTs who are registered with an LA AB and who do not complete their induction by September 2024 are then transferred to a TSH AB.

·         The intention of this two-stage withdrawal for LAs from AB services is to allow the majority of ECTs who began induction in September 2022 to complete their induction without needing to transfer to a new AB mid-induction

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